Calling all lovers of textiles and travel !! 

Once again we are offering one of our most popular learning adventures ....  


11 - 20 March  2019 

 The focus of this tour is get a bit more 
off the beaten track 
and travel further  
into the highlands of Guatemala.  

Along the way, we will learn about specific 
types of weaving, such as
jaspe and ikat dyeing
practiced in the  
Quetzaltenango (Xela) area.  

We'll visit cooperatives and weaving families
in their homes, and poke around in Salcaja 
where  ikat dyer's spread their threads 
out  along  the river.  

We will also visit the fabulous markets in 
and San Francisco el Alto. 

We start out with a short stay in lovely Antigua, 
visiting our friends Lidia and her family 
in their village home for a 
backstrap weaving demonstration.  

It is here you'll have the opportunity to 
try backstrap weaving for yourself. 


Then we'll head out to Chichicastenango, with a stop in Xenacoj, to visit Magna 
and her natural dye cooperative (it is right on the way).  

Next we'll press on Quetzalenango, where we have visits scheduled with cooperatives and weaving families.   

And then, because we are lucky enough to be 
in Guatemala during Lent, 
we will return to Antigua to witness one of the 
incredible Lenten processions that Antigua is famous for. 

Devote Catholics celebrate Sundays in Lent with enormous processions, carrying an anda (float) 
on the shoulders of cucuruchus,
 that wind through the streets of Antigua 
and many of the small villages.  

People (including us) make beautiful alfombras 
(carpets of pine needles and flowers or colorful sawdust) in the streets in honor of tradition and Jesus. 
And finally, because, of course, 
we can't skip LAKE ATITLAN, 
we will visit and stay at our home away from home, the POSADA SANTIAGO.  

The lake is an incredibly beautiful and
spiritual place with a peaceful energy.  We will build a spirit house, and learn more about how 
women weaving ties into their spirituality.     

It is important to know that there is so much 
more to our tours than just 
what you will learn about weaving.

  We truly provide an insider's glimpse into 
Mayan culture as people are living it today.    

Please join us for an informative, heartwarming 
and in-depth look at some of the 
weaving communities in Guatemala.  

We welcome all appreciators of fine fabrics 
with an adventuresome spirit 
for this fabulous cultural get away. 
